Strengthening Diabetes Self-Management Skills in People With Diabetes Mellitus in Kapasa Raya Village


  • Andi Sulfikar Department of Nursing, High School of Health Science Graha Edukasi Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia Author
  • Alfian Rajab Nursing Department, Institute of Health Science Graha Edukasi Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia Author
  • Abdul Thalib Nursing Department, Institute of Health Science Pasapua Ambon, Ambon, Indonesia Author
  • ahmad Musyawir Nursing Department, Institute of Health Science Graha Edukasi Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia Author



Diabetes Mellitus, Self-Management Skills, Strengthening


Diabetes Militus (DM) or known as diabetes, is currently a disease that is commonly found This study highlights. The  effectiveness of the counseling intervention "Strengthening Diabetes Self Management in Diabetes Mellitus Patients" in increasing the knowledge of abdimas participants about diabetes management. Before the intervention, the majority of participants had less knowledge about their condition, but after the program was completed, there was a significant improvement where only 40% of participants still had less knowledge, while 60% had acquired good knowledge. The transformation that occurred after the intervention, from expressions of confusion to understanding and confidence, demonstrated the importance of a targeted outreach approach in improving abdimas participants' skills in managing their own diabetes




How to Cite

Sulfikar, A., Rajab, A., Thalib, A., & Musyawir, ahmad . (2024). Strengthening Diabetes Self-Management Skills in People With Diabetes Mellitus in Kapasa Raya Village. Journal of Evidence-Based Community Health, 1(1), 7-10.